WARNING - This is an ActivInspire flipchart file so will only open with ActivInspire. This can be downloaded for free.
This is a set of 3 lessons, originally intended for a Y5 Art Topic, on Andy Goldsworthy.
NB: Apologies if the font looks a little weird - we use a school font!
You will need to adapt, as it contains some class-specific contexts.
Lesson 1 = Finding out about Andy Goldsworthy, looking at some of his artwork and analysing. Outcome = a sketchbook page about the artist.
Lesson 2 = Creating a colour palette based on the natural world.
Lesson 3 = Basic watercolour techniques.
This is a set of planning and resources for a standalone Art lesson linked to our Ancient Greece project. It is free, as there are images, etc in there. Everything was put together by me. This was for an observation, and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Ancient Greek vases and silhouettes!